What is meal planning? It's whatever way you organize yourself to cook a meal, whether that's breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is the plan you make before you shop. Some people plan a month in advance, freezing neatly-labeled packets of soup and stew.
I myself like to plan 2 weeks ahead. I chose dinner.
I sit down every 2 weeks and make a menu
I inventory my cabinets and use what I have before buying more.
- Spend time each week looking for recipes. ...
- Create a place to save recipes, and keep it SIMPLE. ...
- Ask your partner, family, and roommates what they like to eat. ...
- Check the weather. ...
- Keep a meal journal. ...
- Start a calendar. ...
- Go with theme nights (soup night, pasta night, beans).
- Taco Tuesday and come up with a different taco every tuesday or a mexican dish
- whether you are cooking for one ore four. most foods can be frozen for months.