Air fryer Ribs - foodyeats

Air fryer Ribs


  • 1 rack baby back ribs
  • 1 cup BBQ Sauce, more if you like to baste them.

salt, pepper, liquid smoke, other spices as desired.


    1. Start by patting the ribs down with a paper towel, then add the salt, pepper, and liquid smoke. After you rub it into the ribs, leave for about 5 minutes.
    2. Rub the BBQ Sauce over the RIbs. Covering both the top and the bottom of the ribs.
    3. Place the ribs into the air fryer basket.
    4. Set the time for 12 minutes at 400 degrees F, and then flip them for another 8 minutes.  Baste the ribs with additional BBQ Sauce.
    5. Check the internal temperature of the ribs, they should be at 145 degrees F.

    6. Plate, serve and enjoy!
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